Accessible  Specialist Treatment and Support

Care options

Flexible Pathways

Your individual needs will not be the same as the next person, so why should your treatment? My practice is grounded in evidence-based treatments, but I also understand that evidence must be applied flexibly to work for each person.

To make care manageable for you, I’ll recommend options for your care after initial assessment and then at review points throughout your treatment. The flexible care options possible are:

  • Face-to-face and/or on-line appointments
  • Talking therapy and/or expert by experience support work
  • Treatment split into blocks of time, or a continuous course of treatment
  • Use of messaging, digital apps, recorded therapy sessions, or appointments only

Diagram of referral pathway


To illustrate what these pathways may look like in practice, click below for 3 examples:

Please click here for information on Fees.