Accessible  Specialist Treatment and Support

Contact us

Please get in touch if you think we may be able to help you. We endeavour to respond to emails within 48 hours. If you prefer a discussion on the phone we can arrange to call you.

Please contact us by email on Because we are a small team we cannot always answer calls. Email allows us to be sure we don’t miss you and end up with frustrating and time consuming back and fore for all of us!

On our resources page you will find some more information about engaging with us, including a terms and conditions summary document, how to find our consulting rooms and data management information.

These will be the steps we will take after you first get in touch with us by email:

  1. We send you our terms and conditions summary document.
  2. You tell us if you want to make an assessment appointment and we offer you options until we find a suitable time.
  3. We send you more information about how we will store and use data and an emergency care information sheet.
  4. We discuss the terms & conditions at your first assessment appointment and we then ask you for your views and consent about various aspects of care.